RF Test Automation Systems

RF Test Automation Systems

Flexible test system automation platform in a box. Ranatec offers both off the shelf and customized systems.

Wireless test automation has become a necessity in order to stay ahead in the race for more and more capable products and systems. Ranatec provides a range of products dedicated to help customer to rationalize their test set-ups and enable efficient and accurate wireless test automation:


Solid State Switch Box

Key Features 


  • Switch mode: SP4T latching, terminated  
  • DC – 6 GHz RF frequency range 
  • Insertion loss < 1.9 dB up to 3 GHz 
  • 63 dBm IP3 
  • +30 dBm maximum input power 
  • Flexible supply voltage: 5-45 VDC 
  • <100 μs switching time 
  • High repeatability 
  • Ultra-long lifetime



    Switch Box

    Key Features 


    • DC – 18 GHz RF frequency range 
    •  Insertion loss <0.35 dB up to 18 GHz 
    • 50 dBm maximum input power 
    • Mechanical switches with high power and linearity





      Switch Box Low PIM

      Key Features 


      • DC –18 GHz RF frequency range 
      • Insertion loss 0.5 dB at 18 GHz 
      • Mechanical switches with high power and linearity




        Switch Box


        • 模組化配置(大型機+外掛程式模組) 
        • 即插即用系統,無需軟體升級 
        • 廣泛的標準開關模組,範圍從 DC 到 50 GHz 
        • 提供廣泛的其他模組,例如:電壓和數控衰減器、放大器、混頻器等 
        • 標配 64 個控制埠(可選 128 個) 
        • 提供區域網到GPIB轉換器模組 
        • 可根據要求提供客製化模組(可以是任何同軸有源或無源元件) 
        • 通過局域網、GPIB 或 RS-232 進行遠端控制 
        • 用於本地操作的顯示幕和鍵盤 開關計數器可實現預防性維護 
        • 經濟高效的解決方案

