Eye-BERT Gen2 100381A 誤碼分析儀
商品編號:Eye-BERT Gen2 100381A
Eye-BERT Gen2 100381A 誤碼分析儀


  Eye-BERT Gen2 100381A
The Eye-BERT Gen2 builds on our original Eye-BERT, adding extended data rates, mixed mode testing capability, and a color touch screen.  The extended data rate allows for testing of links in the 125Mb to 11.4Gb range all in a single unit.  The Eye-BERT Gen2 offers high performance stand alone bit error rate testing at a fraction of the cost of competing testers.  Its small size and stand alone operation allow for convenient field testing of SFP and SFP+ transceivers as well as link verification and performance testing all in a single unit.

Eye-Bert Gen2 Features:

·        125Mb to 11.4Gbps*

·        Optical and Electrical Interfaces

·        Mixed Mode Optical / Electrical Testing

·        USB and Ethernet Interfaces

·        Color Touch Screen

·        Compact package

·        User replaceable SFP / SFP+ transceiver

·        Testing of SFP and SFP+ transceivers

